Cyber Security Services

Professional cyber security team working to prevent security threats, find vulnerability and solve

Cyber Security Assessment

With new threats appearing every day in the digital world, when was the last time you updated your cyber security process?

Effective cyber security is the difference between protecting your company data and potentially losing control of your business. Regardless of your industry or business size, without effective cyber security, your business is vulnerable to cyber attacks that could cost you both time and money.

Cyber Security Penetration Testing

Cyber Security Assessments and Cyber Security Management are just the beginning for cyber security processes needed to protect your organisation. Cyber Security needs to be considered from both the inside and the outside.

Whilst you may have a strong firewall and implemented security processes, that is really only the start of the things you can do to protect your business against intelligent hackers. No test is “one size fits all” and our service ensures you get the most effective Penetration Test for your business.

System administrator testing equipment in data center


Pen Testing gives you peace of mind that your systems have been tested against commonly found exploits.


Plug the gaps in your infrastructure making your organisation a much harder target for future hackers.


Understanding the results of a pen test allows you to prepare your business against potential hacks in the future.

Penetration Testing


Penetration Testing is an additional process that can be carried out by Cyber Security experts to highlight vulnerabilities or gaps that may still be present in your security system that an intelligent hacker could exploit. This kind of testing helps you stay one step ahead of cyber attacks on your business. Penetration Testing can be automated with software applications or performed manually. Regardless of the method, the process involves gathering information about the target before the test, identifying potential entry points, finding the external holes or exploits and then reporting back the findings.

This test will identify weaknesses in your overall system, your security policy, and the understanding your employees have of what can be done to prevent a breach. It will allow you to make strategic decisions about what the future of your security looks like. 

Penetration Testing should be performed regularly to ensure more consistent network security and IT Management. The test should be conducted when something changes in your organisation such as when a new network, location or policy is applied.

There are multiple types of Penetration Tests that can be performed and we work with you to find the best solution for your organisation.


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